In order to implement the tasks set out in the development strategy of New Uzbekistan, further develop social and production infrastructure in the regions, especially in neighborhoods, as well as increase the standard of living of the population and create a favorable investment environment for entrepreneurs, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted Resolution No. PQ-465 on December 30, 2024.
At the same time, employees of the Uzagroinspection are also assigned a number of responsible tasks.
In particular,
- to establish control over the provision of fertile seeds and seedlings to users of land that can be planted on the edges of fields in each district;
- to monitor the planting of crops on the edges of fields;
- to identify the status of agrotechnical measures and land users who have not planted crops and to apply sanctions against them;
- to submit to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis a draft law providing for amendments and additions to the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the imposition of fines for failure to plant crops on the edges of fields and failure to grow products during the year, based on the requirements of the resolution.
Regarding the implementation of this resolution, the Uzagroinspection adopted Order No. UM-01-25 dated January 7, 2025, and based on the requirements of the resolution, a control plan was developed for the effective organization of the implementation of legislative acts.
Also, in connection with the establishment of liability for failure to sow crops on the edges of the fields, a draft law was developed providing for amendments and additions to the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan and sent to ministries and departments for approval.
The adoption of this draft into law will not only ensure the effective and rational use of land plots assigned to them by land users, but will also increase the standard of living of the population and create a favorable investment environment for entrepreneurs, along with obtaining a bountiful harvest of agricultural crops.
In order to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 465 dated December 30, 2024 "On measures to increase production using additional opportunities in agricultural fields", training seminars were organized in the districts according to the established schedules with the participation of the head of the Tashkent regional department of "Uzagroinspection".
The training seminar was attended by the Head of the Tashkent Regional Department of the Inspectorate for Supervision of the Agro-Industrial Complex S. Sadikov, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Farmers, Dehkan Farms and Homestead Landowners of Uzbekistan Komiljon Sobirov, Deputy Khokim of the Tashkent Region for Agriculture Khurshid Koraboev, and heads of relevant rural departments, district agricultural employees, relevant officials, and heads of farms.
The seminar discussed the development of vacant land on the edges of fields, the advantages of using water-saving technologies, compliance with field culture, and the need for timely and high-quality implementation of agrotechnical measures on agricultural lands.
The Head of the Department for Supervision of the Use of Agricultural Land of the Directorate SH. Akhmedov