Ру Ўз O`z En

Warnings were issued to cluster and farm managers who failed to implement cotton agrotechnics

19 July 2024 516

The inspection of control over the Agro-Industrial Complex in the presence of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out by the specialists of the Kashkadarya regional administration and district departments, monitoring activities on the timely and high-quality implementation of agrotechnical activities in the cotton fields.

Today, 19 cotton clusters and 6 thousand 358 farms in the province have a total of 133 thousand 050 hectares, of which 13 thousand 317 hectares are planted with foreign varieties, and the remaining 119 thousand 733 hectares are cultivated with local varieties.

At the same time, 39 thousand 972 hectares (30%) of cotton fields are "1-2 bolls", 46 thousand 412 hectares (34.9%) are "3-4 bolls", 46 thousand 666 hectares (35.1 %) is developing in the phase of "5-6 cells".

Out of a total of 2 thousand 357 cultivators in the province, 1 thousand 999 cultivators were involved in cultivation work, till today more than 6.2 times more cotton was cultivated on the land area, 3-feeding works 81 thousand 495 hectares (61, 3%) were carried out in the fields, and in the cotton fields, 126 thousand 203 hectares of 1st irrigation (94.9%), 28 thousand 54 hectares (21.1%) of 2nd irrigation were carried out, 18 1,341 hectares (13.8%) of the area were cleared.

In order to ensure that the cultivators do not harm the crop elements, monitoring and analysis activities are being carried out by specialists of the regional department of Uzagroinspeksia and district departments in connection with wrapping the working bodies as a "fish surface".

"The importance of this agrotechnical event is that cultivators wrap their working bodies as a "fish surface" to protect the cotton crop from spilling as a result of mechanical impact.Cultivators' working bodies are wrapped in a "fish surface", and special guides (obtekatels) are installed in front of the front and rear wheels of the plow tractor.

It is important to adjust the number of working bodies, their layout, the width and depth of the cotton row interval and develop the elements of cotton production.

Cultivation or softening of cotton seedlings, which are considered important agrotechnical measures, are not performed in time, the surface of the furrows will crack and the side veins of the cotton will break. If the defective working parts of the cultivators are not replaced in time and the working parts are not wrapped in a "fish surface", the developed flowers, cobs and bolls of the cotton seedling, the frame, bolt and other parts of the cultivator left uncovered without wrapping causing him to crash and die. This, in turn, has a negative impact on the development of elements of the cotton crop.

Specialists of the regional department of "Uzagroinspeksiya" and district departments continuously monitor the implementation of agrotechnical measures in cotton care, and 31 reports and clusters and farms are submitted to the officials of the sector responsible for cotton care. 2 thousand 116 warning letters were issued to the leaders.

Press service of the Kashkadarya regional department of "Uzagroinspeksiya".

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