Ру Ўз O`z En

State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Quality Assessment of Agricultural Products".

The official website of the system organization is- http://agroxizmat.uz/oz-OZ 

Management: Karimov Jahangir Djumabaevich

Position: Director

Reception days: Monday and Wednesday

Contact phone number: +998 71 244-87-51

E-mail address:  info@agroxizmat.uz

Type of activity:  To carry out scientific and experimental research based on science and innovation in the field of providing public services, ensuring the quality and safety of food and agricultural products in the agro-industrial complex, increasing the scientific potential of the Center, modernizing the material and technical base and creating new types of wide introduction of services is a priority goal.

Functions and powers: Providing conformity and quality certificates for products, test reports, analysis results and evaluation conclusions; perform inspection control over certified products; carrying out work on metrological attestation and comparative review of test equipment and measuring instruments in accordance with the scope of accreditation; determination of the juiciness of cotton fiber, measurement of the mass of cotton fiber and cotton bales; preparation, restoration and provision of samples of the appearance of cotton products to be certified for cotton ginning and oil industry enterprises, buyers of cotton products and other organizations, cleaning and sorting of seeds of agricultural crops in seed preparation entities ( in the case of seeds - dehairing), calibration, medication and packaging processes, every 2 (two) hours to determine the necessary crop quality indicators and perform other tasks.

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