Ру Ўз O`z En

A memorandum of cooperation was signed with another research institute

13 March 2024 723

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Research Institute “Quarantine and Plant Protection” of the National Center for Knowledge and Innovation in Agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture and the Tashkent Regional Department of Inspection of the Agro-Industrial Complex.

From the Tashkent regional inspection department, the event was attended by Deputy Director of the Research Institute O. Sulaimanov and Head of the Department Sh. Usubaliev and other employees.

According to the cooperation agreement, for the development of innovative cooperation between science, education and production, the joint creation of an innovation group, the inclusion of experienced and highly qualified specialists in the innovation group and the creation of the necessary conditions for their effective work, as well as on quarantine and plant protection, we agreed to take into account the recommendations of the partner organization when retraining personnel locally at the level of the requirements of state educational standards, ensure the participation of experienced and highly qualified specialists in retraining courses and conduct educational seminars in the field of quarantine and plant protection.

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