Ру Ўз O`z En

A training seminar on preventing and combating corruption was organized

15 February 2024 857

In order to ensure the implementation of the relevant points of the work plan of the internal control structure to combat corruption for 2024 in the system of the state institution “Center for Assessing the Quality of Agricultural Products” under the “Uzagroinspectorate”,  a seminar “What is corruption” was held in the building of the Khorezm regional branch of the Center and a training seminar on the topic “what preventive measures are needed to prevent it.”

At the event, the internal control service for combating corruption provided explanations about the legal basis of the Center’s state policy in the field of combating corruption.At the event, the internal control service for combating corruption provided explanations about the legal basis of the Center’s state policy in the field of combating corruption.
Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On accession to the UN Convention against Corruption” (2008), Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the fight against corruption” (2017), Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to improve the anti-corruption system” (2020) and the Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On creating an environment of zero tolerance for corruption, a sharp reduction in corruption factors in state and public administration” “On measures to reduce and expand public participation” (2021) can be considered as an example of conceptually important legislative documents and administrative reforms aimed at preventing corruption.
It was emphasized that these documents are based on the priority of legal foundations, principles of democracy and human rights.
In order to prevent corruption and corrupt actions of employees, branch managers were instructed to place social advertising posters in buildings and structures, information stands, and also to prevent possible corrupt actions.
During the event, participants were provided with detailed information about the bodies and organizations carrying out and participating in anti-corruption activities and their powers, measures of responsibility for committing corruption offenses, and the inevitability of punishment for corruption offenses.
At the end of the event, employees of the Khorezm regional branch gave appropriate answers to their questions regarding corruption.

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