Ру Ўз O`z En

An anti-corruption event was held at the center

27 September 2023 2052

In accordance with paragraph 11 of the Roadmap for the second half of 2023, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the Anti-Corruption Agency and the Adolat Social Organization, with the participation of representatives of the Democratic Party, held a seminar on the topic “State policy to combat corruption in the Republic of Uzbekistan and her priorities."

The fight against corruption has become the main priority of the state policy of Uzbekistan. This can be seen in the example of important regulatory documents adopted in the field in recent years, administrative reforms aimed at preventing corruption.

In this direction, an environment of zero tolerance towards corruption has been created in the Inspectorate system, and this result is achieved through propaganda activities among employees who took part.

During the seminar, experts from the responsible organization provided the Center's employees with detailed information and recommendations about the work being carried out today in the fight against corruption in our country, achievements and existing shortcomings in the fight against corruption, and measures are being taken to eliminate this evil.


Information service "Uzagreenspexia"

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