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Compulsory certification of cotton fiber produced in excess of its needs is established, otherwise...

12 June 2024 688

According to Article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the manufacturer must provide the consumer with relevant information on the compliance of the regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation with regard to the goods that are subject to technical regulation.

According to the decision of the government No. 43 dated January 30, 2021, cotton fiber is a product that requires confirmation of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation.

According to the relevant decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the government, certification of cotton fiber produced for own needs within the framework of cotton-textile production and cluster is established on a voluntary basis, and mandatory certification of cotton fiber produced in excess of own needs is established.

Cotton fiber certification is carried out by accredited certification bodies in accordance with established requirements.

Financial and administrative fines are imposed on legal entities and individuals for violation of the requirements established by the legislation on the field.

Today, the Agro-Industrial Complex Supervision Inspectorate is studying the mandatory certification of cotton fibers produced in cotton-textile production and clusters, which are produced outside of their own needs, and warnings and written instructions are issued to production enterprises in the prescribed manner.

The state of cotton fiber certification in cotton textile clusters was investigated by the Andijan regional office of "Ozagroinspeksiya", and 4 companies ("O.M.G", "S.T.K", "A" and ") continued to violate the law despite warnings and written instructions. v.S.F" LLCs) against the responsible persons of the cotton textile cluster enterprises, based on Article 214 of the "Code on Administrative Responsibility", reports on administrative violations were drawn up and sent to the courts for legal action.

Andijan region for continuing or not eliminating the offense in the field of technical regulation even after a warning was given in accordance with Article 46 of the Law "On Technical Regulation" by the state control department in the field of technical regulation, standardization, certification and metrology. 10 billion to the cotton textile cluster enterprise "A" LLC operating in Jalakuduq district. financial sanctions in the form of fines in the amount of soums were applied by the judicial body.

In addition, documents confirming that the cotton fiber will be sold to local textile enterprises with the production capacity for its processing through stock trading and that the product complies with the quality requirements established by law (if the product must be certified according to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a certificate of conformity and other documents) it is mentioned that it is indicated that it is considered the basis for listing when opening a contract in the domestic market or currency exchange.

Control activities regarding mandatory certification of cotton fiber are ongoing.


Department of the Inspectorate for Control of the Use of Cotton Raw Materials, Grains, Seeds and Products Obtained from Their Processing

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