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Employees of "Uzagroinspektsiya" are providing assistance for the household of people who need help

24 June 2024 364

Homesteads are the main source of income for most families in our country, especially in rural areas. Through efficient use of the garden, families are able to supply not only themselves, but also local markets with a variety of vegetables and fruits.

This has a positive impact on the local economy, helping to increase employment and reduce poverty.

For this noble purpose, the employees of the Shahrisabz district department of "Uzagroinspektsiya" on their own initiative studied the conditions of the apartments in the area near the workplace.

A young family living in Beshkapa village of "Big'mi" community. Knowing that Bekmurodov did not have a steady income, but had knowledge of horticulture, the district inspectorate provided him with 25 lemon plants for maintenance in his living room.

Also, in order to effectively use every inch of the land, A. Bekmurodov organized a greenhouse and planted additional tomato and cucumber seedlings.

Recently, Asadbek, who started gardening and planting on 5 hectares of land, provided permanent work to his family members as well.

In addition, another unemployed citizen of this neighborhood I. 10 boxes of beehives were delivered to Bektoshev.

"Of course, I think that a person does not need to be rich to be generous, giving a little push to a person who has a passion for work, guiding him and giving him a little support is a big help," says the head of the Shahrisabz district department of "Uzagroinspektsiya" J. .Turkmanov - Now these citizens are making good use of the estate.

Families have a comfortable life thanks to the income they receive from their farms, they have the opportunity to educate their children, maintain their health, and improve their living conditions.

Information service of the Kashkadarya regional administration of "Uzagroinspektsia".

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