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Indicators of the provision of public services by the inspectorate are growing

26 March 2024 767

It is known that one of the main tasks of the Uzagroinspectorate is the provision of public services to individuals and legal entities in the field of monitoring the condition of agricultural, reclamation and road construction equipment.

The administrative regulations, approved by Government Resolution No. 170 of April 29, 2023, determine the procedure for the provision of public services, and in order to ensure the implementation of this decision, from September 1, 2023, individuals and legal entities will be able to use 6 types of public services provided by the Inspectorate through the Unified interactive portal government services.The administrative regulations, approved by Government Resolution No. 170 of April 29, 2023, determine the procedure for the provision of public services, and in order to ensure the implementation of this decision, from September 1, 2023, individuals and legal entities will be able to use 6 types of public services provided by the Inspectorate through the Unified interactive portal government services.

The types of services are as follows:

Ø State registration and re-registration of agricultural, reclamation and road construction equipment (https://my.gov.uz/uz/service/842);

Ø Temporary registration of agricultural, reclamation and road construction equipment (https://my.gov.uz/uz/service/846);

Ø Obtaining information on registration of agricultural, reclamation and road construction equipment (https://my.gov.uz/uz/service/849);

Ø Submitting an application for deregistration of agricultural, reclamation and road construction equipment (https://my.gov.uz/uz/service/847);

Ø Replacing a tractor driver’s license or obtaining a new one to replace a lost one (https://my.gov.uz/uz/service/860);

Ø Permission to take the exam to obtain a tractor driver’s license (https://my.gov.uz/uz/service/861).

As a result of the launch of these services, individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to send requests electronically, as well as use some services electronically in real time, without visiting the Inspectorate.

Over the past period of this year, 23 requests from individuals and legal entities were received through the Unified Portal of Interactive Government Services, and the execution of these requests was ensured within the established time frame.

Technical Condition Control Department of the Inspectorate

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