Ру Ўз O`z En

The quality of agrotechnical activities in grain fields is under the control of the Inspectorate.

5 January 2024 1333

“Uzagroinspektsiya” established control over the timely implementation of agrotechnical measures in the fields sown with grain for the 2024 harvest in the republic.

This year, 1 million 169 thousand 775 hectares of grain crops are cultivated in the republic.This year, 1 million 169 thousand 775 hectares of grain crops are cultivated in the republic.

Analyzing the state of grain today, it was found that 18,000 hectares (2%) of 1-2-leaf, 54,000 hectares (5%) of 3-4-leaf and 1 million hectares are developing in the balling phase (93).

Also, 157 percent of the irrigation of grain fields was carried out in the field.

In order to ensure the formation of additional stems in the grain and its supply to the countryside, it was decided to feed the grain fields with nitrogenous mineral fertilizers at the rate of 100-150 kg per hectare (physically).

This event was held on 869 thousand hectares or 74 percent of the republic’s grain fields.

Foliar feeding with a suspension is also considered important for faster grain filling and accelerating its development, and to date this measure has been implemented on 748 thousand hectares or 64% of the area in the regions.

Also during the season, Uzagroinspectorate carried out 30,795 inspections in connection with the timely and high-quality implementation of agrotechnical measures in grain fields.

During control activities, special attention was paid to grain germination, watering, fertilizing, planting completeness and the production of local fertilizers.

In particular, during the control activities, 26,152 hectares sparsely sprouted in 3,587 subjects, 20,760 hectares in 3,056 subjects turned yellow and stunted in growth, 1,184 subjects - 6,711 hectares, 1,184 subjects - 6,711 hectares, 1,748 subjects have 7,832 hectares of grain. fed low-quality leaves, and 369 subjects had 2,722 hectares of grain exposed.

Also, in order to eliminate negative situations when carrying out agrotechnical measures to care for grain, the inspectorate has issued 381 reports and 30,414 warnings to farms since the beginning of the season.

Department for control of agrotechnical activities in agriculture

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