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The inspection is monitoring the ginning in the cotton fields

3 August 2023 1770

1 million for the harvest of 2023 in the Republic. Cotton is cultivated on 12,436 hectares of land. As of August 3 of this year, 50,000 hectares or 5% of the cultivated cotton fields in the Republic are 5-6 seeds. 221 thousand hectares or 22 percent of 7-8 plots, 538 thousand hectares or 35 percent 9-10 pods and 382 thousand hectares or 38 percent are developing in the 11-12 pod phase.

At the same time, since the beginning of the season, cotton fields were irrigated 2.9 times.

In addition, this year, 19,702 cultivators from the regions of the Republic were recruited to work between cotton rows, and this event has been carried out 7.8 times to date.

Also, ginning has been carried out on 972,000 hectares or 96 percent of cotton fields.

For example, in the regions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Bukhara, Jizzakh, Namangan, Surkhandarya, Fergana and Khorezm, this event has been completed, while in the regions of Kashkadarya, Samarkand, Syrdarya, 90-97% cotton fields have been ginned. was carried out.

Also, the Inspection is conducting on-site monitoring measures to ensure timely and high-quality ginning of cotton fields.

During the monitoring activities, it was found out that 10 thousand 205 hectares of 1309 farms were covered late or poorly.

In addition, daily control over the timely and high-quality execution of agrotechnical measures is established by the Inspectorate, and effective measures are being taken to eliminate identified deficiencies.

In particular, during the season, control activities were carried out on cotton fields in the Republic by experts in the regions, and it was found that errors and shortcomings were made in the implementation of agrotechnical activities on 131 thousand 853 hectares of 15 thousand 953 farms.

128 submissions were made to district administrations, organizations related to the field, and 12,782 warnings were issued to heads of farms and cluster enterprises to eliminate the above-mentioned negative situations in cotton care.


Department of control of agrotechnical activities in agriculture

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