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A seminar was organized on conducting the field approval event in seed cotton fields being cared for this year's harvest

15 August 2023 1563

Cotton cultivation was carried out on 8,841 hectares of seed areas of 159 farms that won the tender competitions held this year, and seed cotton was collected from original, elite and descendant seeds of cotton varieties such as Mehnat, Khorezm-150 and Khorezm-127, which are suitable for the region's soil and climate conditions. planned.

For this purpose, on August 10 of this year, a demonstration training-seminar on the approval inspection of seed cotton fields was held at the limited liability company "Khiva elite seed farm" located in the Khiva district of the region. . District appraisers responsible for seed cotton approval, assistant chief appraisers, scientific appraisers and specialists in charge of the field in the regional department and district departments of Uzagroinspeksia participated in the seminar.

During the training seminar, the head of the regional agriculture department, A. Jimalyazov, made a speech and spoke about the issues of quality implementation of the field approval works to be carried out in 2023 seed cotton fields.

During the event, the tasks specified in the order No. 146 of the Ministry of Agriculture "On the conduct of field approval inspection in seed cotton fields" adopted on August 7 of this year, in particular, the approval event 2023 It was assigned to ensure that the reports are fully completed and submitted to the Regional Department of the Seed Development Center with approval by August 25.

Also, at the seminar, the deputy head of the regional department of Uzagroinspektion, N. Ismailov, spoke and said that the field approval of seed plots is controlled based on the requirements of regulatory legal documents, and those who do not comply with these requirements or make mistakes In case of violation, it was mentioned that measures will be applied in accordance with the law.

It was also explained to the event participants and approvers that the cotton approval event should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation approved by the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 641 of October 12, 2021, Annex 3.

For information, it should be noted that this year in our region, all types of seed-growing subjects (special EUXs, ITIs and farms) cultivated cotton for the purpose of seed accumulation on an area of about 9 thousand hectares. was carried out. 176 hectares of these seed areas will be stocked with elite seed cotton, 2.3 thousand hectares with 1st generation and 6.6 thousand hectares with 2nd generation seed cotton.

Today, the regional administration and district departments of Uzagroinspeksia have provided warning letters to all types of seed-growing entities and chief approvers regarding compliance with legal requirements.


Kh. Sabirov - head of the department for monitoring the cultivation of seeds of agricultural crops.

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