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Demonstration on conducting approval inspection of cotton fields planted for seed in Surkhandarya region training seminar was held

15 August 2023 1846

On August 9, 2023, practical training on conducting field approval inspection in the seed cotton fields of the "Yangi Hayot" seed farm in the "Amu-Zang Jhilalari" area of Zharkurgan District, Surkhandarya Region. A training seminar was held.

The seminar was attended by the deputy governor of the region F. Ismailov, the head and deputy of the regional department of agriculture and district departments, the head of the regional department of plant quarantine and protection and district departments, "Seed breeding development center" head of the regional department of the DM, head and deputy of the Surkhandarya regional department of the "Uzagroinspeksiya", heads of the district department of the agroinspection and inspectors in the field of seed production, "Agriculture product quality assessment center" DM regional leaders and their district representatives, the director of the Scientific Research Institute of Thin Fiber Cotton, the heads of Elite seed farms and the heads of seed farms, representatives of cotton-textile clusters and representatives from regions and districts members of the commission formed for the approval took part.

In the Surkhandarya region, 203 subjects who participated in the tender for the right to grow seed cotton from the harvest of 2023 are cultivating high-generation varieties of cotton for seed cotton cultivation on 7,500 hectares. Until now, experts have carried out two monitoring of these areas, and 359 hectares of the area were found to be unfit for receiving seeds due to underdevelopment, disease and pest infestation, excessive planting of varieties and other reasons.

The task now is to conduct an approval inspection of the areas where seed cotton is grown based on normative legal documents and to wisely select the areas where seed cotton is grown for next year's harvest.

In the educational seminar, all organizations in the agricultural system were informed about the selection of fast-growing, high-yielding, disease- and pest-resistant varieties suitable for the region's soil and climate conditions from the cotton harvest of 2023, mainly in the areas where seeds are collected in the regions and districts. The members of the commission for the approval of the company were assigned the relevant tasks.

In order to control the approval inspection, a number of tasks have been assigned to the regional administration and district departments of the agroinspection, including:

In order to accumulate high-quality seed cotton raw materials for the harvest of 2024, by the regional administration and district departments of the inspection:

- that the approval events are held in areas specialized for seed cotton cultivation, which have passed the selection process and are deemed suitable for seed cotton cultivation by the selection commission;

- compliance with the requirements of the Regulation "On the procedure for approving agricultural crops in areas sown for seeding" approved by Annex 3 to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated October 12, 2021 No. 641;

- "Competition among farms and other agricultural organizations for obtaining the right to grow seed cotton raw materials and grain crops of the original, elite and next generations" approved by Annex 1 to this decision. "on the transfer procedure" the total or partial removal of cotton fields from seed cultivation of seed-growing entities that do not comply with the requirements of clauses 21 and 22 of the Regulation;

- the purity of the variety, that the seed cotton fields planted with two or more selection varieties that do not meet the requirements of DSt-642 are considered unsuitable for seed preparation during the approval period and are excluded from seed preparation;

- approval of new and promising cotton varieties with the appropriate permission of the Ministry of Agriculture in case of additional approved areas;

- in the areas where the approval inspection was conducted, the tasks of monitoring the correct filling of documents and field logs in the prescribed form based on the results of the approval were determined.

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