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A new library was opened in the Fergana regional administration A new library was opened in the Fergana regional administration 

24 May 2024 576

To strengthen the feelings of patriotism, justice, humanity and mutual kindness among the employees of the inspectorate through the promotion of reading fiction books, to inculcate educational and ideological concepts in the minds of civil servants, to increase their national and moral, legal education, love and respect for our rich literary heritage, in addition, reading in order to form the culture, according to the order of the head of the Fergana region department of the Inspectorate, A. Khodzhimatov, more than 300 art, political, historical books have been brought to the library of the Inspectorate, and measures are being taken to turn it into a model library. Finally, it is planned to create all conditions for employees to read and study.

Restarting the library, ensuring the execution of the tasks given during the extended meeting of the Council of Spirituality and Enlightenment of the Republic, held recently under the leadership of the President, and the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers "On the restoration of the national program for the development and support of the reading culture", the wide spread of our national values, traditions and customs we can say that it was a worthy step towards bringing promotion to a new level

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