Ру Ўз O`z En

Agricultural land must be used efficiently, otherwise..

4 July 2024 374

In recent years, systematic work has been carried out in the republic to ensure the rational and purposeful use of land plots, their protection, development of new lands and re-circulation.

However, non-compliance with land legislation, purposeless and inefficient use of agricultural land, including construction of illegal facilities, as well as cases of arbitrary occupation of land, require strengthening control measures in this regard.

In particular, control activities were carried out by the department of control over the use of agricultural land by the Bukhara regional office of "Uzagroinspektsiya".

According to the results of the study, according to the decision No. 477 of the Gijduvon district governor dated January 28, 2019, a total of 53.5 hectares, 33.6 hectares of irrigated cropland, 5.0 hectares of garden, were allocated to the farm "Shahzodjon Shakhinabonu dalasi" in the S. Ayni massif. 2.0 hectares of vineyards and 12.9 hectares of non-agricultural land are leased for 49 years.

However, the chairman of the farm "Shahzodjon Shakhinabonu dalasi" A.r. 220-239, which is owned by the farm, illegally damaged the condition of 0.24 hectares of land without issuing the relevant documents, and re-construction of roads was carried out.

As a result, 0.24 hectares of leased land was left out of agricultural use and cotton was left uncultivated due to the construction of the road.

"Procedure for compensation for damages caused to the owners, users, tenants and owners of land plots, agricultural and forestry production disruptions, as well as in cases where land is withdrawn from agricultural use", approved by the decision of the Government No. 146 dated May 25, 2011 "On" Regulation, the amount of damage caused in cases of arbitrarily leaving the land from agricultural circulation is 209 million 046 thousand 702 soums.

Based on the above, due to the fact that the head of the farm "Shahzodjon Shakhinabonu dalasi" excluded the land from agricultural use, the actions of the farm official, as well as the legal assessment of the above situation and the recovery of the amount of damage caused, the collected documents were sent to the law enforcement authorities.

S. Juraev, chief specialist of the regional department of the Inspectorate.

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