Ру Ўз O`z En


22 May 2024 426

Seed crops used for seed production are determined by planting them in the soil, planting seeds in special plots and checking their genetic (variety) quality in the future.

According to Article 20 of the Law "On Seeding", the evaluation of seeds planted in the soil is carried out by "Uzagroinspeksiya".According to Article 20 of the Law "On Seeding", the evaluation of seeds planted in the soil is carried out by "Uzagroinspeksiya".

Also, among the main tasks of the inspection of control over the Agro-industrial complex are the implementation of the state policy in the field of genetic purity and quality of seeds of agricultural crops, certification of seeds in accordance with the field of accreditation, determination and control of the quality of seeds and planting materials. the implementation of the work is determined.

This year, on May 22, a seminar on the evaluation of the YIELD of grain crops was organized at the field experiment area of the "Center for Quality Assessment of Agricultural Products" under the "Uzagroinspeksiya" in the field of seed production located in the Kibrai Taman of the Tashkent region.

In the center, such tests are constantly conducted to assess the genetic (variety) quality (variety) of the samples of the spiked grain seeds grown in the republic for the needs of the state.In the center, such tests are constantly conducted to assess the genetic (variety) quality (variety) of the samples of the spiked grain seeds grown in the republic for the needs of the state.

Variety control is carried out by selecting from research institutes, seed-producing farms and seed-growing farms and seed groups of agricultural crops and promising grain crops that have been grown (imported) and recommended for planting in the territory of the Republic, included in the State Register, and prepared by medicating, and planting samples of the variety. is increasing.

The tasks defined by the law and the decision are carried out by the state unitary enterprise "Agricultural Product Quality Assessment Center" under the Agro-Industrial Complex Control Inspectorate.

Determining the genetic (variety) quality (variety) indicators of the varieties is carried out by qualified experts based on the state standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the requirements of the relevant decision of the Government.

Currently, in the 5-hectare experimental field of the Center, there are a total of 270 samples of 3 generations of 55 varieties of seed wheat prepared for planting in the grain enterprises of the "Ozdonmahsulot" JSC system, elite seed farms and research institutes, that is, 42 from the breeding nursery generation, 120 varieties from the original (super-elite) generation and 108 varieties from the elite generation are being planted and cared for.

The main purpose of conducting such variety tests is to ensure the implementation of the law, government decisions and regulatory documents, and secondly, to ensure the genetic (variety) quality of seeds grown for state needs in the republic, to prevent the collection of seeds from areas with high variety mixtures, the deterioration of fertility, i.e. prevention of variety mixing, improvement of grain quality, and supply of seeds with high quality parameters to seed grain producers.

"Ozagroinspektsia" Information Service

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