Ру Ўз O`z En

Ineffective use of land allocated to farms is being investigated

15 April 2024 818

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to develop entrepreneurship in fruit and vegetable growing and viticulture, increase the share of farmers in agricultural production” and “Increasing incomes of the population by supporting the creation of farms” “On additional measures to increase.”

During 2022-2023 in the Navoi region, a total of 9,530 hectares of land were planned for 24,764 lots, 24,756 lots were issued for the “Electronic Auctions” competitions, of which the winners were determined for 9,442 hectares of land in 24,596 lots, and the rest in the competition 160 people took part. The owners of 89 hectares of land have not been identified

During the research, 76 citizens owned 53.51 hectares in the Navbakhor region, 54 citizens owned 45.03 hectares in the Konimekh region, 60 citizens owned 60.09 hectares in the Nurata region, 100 citizens owned 63.52 hectares in the Kyzyltepe region, 92 citizens owned 89.31 hectares in Karmaninsky district. It was found that the allocated land areas are used inefficiently, without planting crops and are left to their own devices.

In these cases, specialists from the regional department of the Inspectorate explained to citizens the issues of effective use of land and instructed them to take appropriate measures to return the allocated land plots to the reserve using the relevant paragraphs of Article 36 of the Land Code. "Republic of Uzbekistan.

A. Turabov, leading expert of the regional inspection department

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