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Is the Tashkent region ready for spring feeding of grain planted for this year's harvest?

21 February 2024 1074

In the Tashkent region this year, 123 thousand hectares of autumn grain crops are cultivated, and currently the seed grains are developing in the full flowering phase.

Fertilizing with nitrogenous and local fertilizers is of great importance in obtaining a high grain yield; winter wheat needs nitrogen at all stages of development, starting from the initial phase of development.Fertilizing with nitrogenous and local fertilizers is of great importance in obtaining a high grain yield; winter wheat needs nitrogen at all stages of development, starting from the initial phase of development.

Today, in all districts of the region, grain clusters and farms are organizing the first spring feeding of grain.

In particular, 104,309 hectares, or 85 percent of the 123 thousand hectares of grain fields in the regions, were fertilized, and more than 20 thousand tons of nitrogenous mineral fertilizers were used for these agricultural activities.

At the same time, in order to further increase the fertility and productivity of lands, local accumulation of fertilizers in grain fields is being carried out at an accelerated pace.

In particular, in February the Inspectorate monitored the progress of applying local fertilizers at the rate of 3 tons per hectare to grain fields.

In connection with the timely completion of these works in accordance with quality and agrotechnical requirements, constant control was established by the regional department and district departments of the Inspectorate, as well as relevant organizations, grain clusters and farms that made mistakes. Action is being taken. within the limits of authority.

In particular, 15 submissions were issued to district khokims, 275 written instructions to clusters, 2314 warnings to farms about identified deficiencies, control work was carried out to eliminate the deficiencies specified in the submitted submissions, written instructions and warnings. carried out.

Tashkent regional branch of Uzagroinspectorate.

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