Ру Ўз O`z En

Khorezm: preparation of quality seeds for this year’s harvest is under control

18 January 2024 1263

According to the relevant regulatory documents, high-quality seeds comply with the requirements of state standards for the 2024 harvest in terms of reception, storage, pre-processing, preparation, storage, distribution and quality control of seed cotton raw materials. Progress of seed preparation. is under the control of the Inspectorate.

In particular, during preventive measures for raw cotton obtained for seeds and its storage in the region, from the 2023 cotton harvest, Cluster enterprises and Elite seed farms harvested a total of 11 thousand 840 tons of seed cotton. of which 11,530.7 tons were received by cluster enterprises, 309.4 tons by Elite seed farms, as well as 10,051 tons of 11,840 tons of raw cotton as the main one and 1,789 tons as a reserve fund.

Cotton-textile clusters and elite seed farms of the Khorezm region will clean and sort cotton seeds of the 2024 harvest in December and January. Daily schedules for depilation and processing of cotton seeds of the 2024 harvest in farms are fully developed until February.Cotton-textile clusters and elite seed farms of the Khorezm region will clean and sort cotton seeds of the 2024 harvest in December and January. Daily schedules for depilation and processing of cotton seeds of the 2024 harvest in farms are fully developed until February.
According to information on the necessary reserves of seeds that are planned to be prepared for this year's harvest by cotton-textile clusters and other enterprises in the workshops for sorting, processing and packaging of seeds in the region, the region's seed production this year, the processing plan is 5 thousand 847 tons, a stock of chemicals has been fully created , bags and labels required for processing, the necessary threads, wooden pallets (paddon) and storage warehouses have been completely renovated.

Also, in the region there are only 7 seed preparation workshops, including a seed preparation workshop owned by Kobotex LLC, a Koshkopir seed preparation workshop owned by Khorezm Cotton Plant LLC, work has begun in the seed preparation workshop of Koshkopir LLC. Urgench Cluster LLC, seed preparation workshop of Gurlan Global Tex LLC, Khanka seed preparation workshop.

In order to provide farms with high-quality seeds, the Khorezm branch of the Center for Agricultural Products Quality Assessment assigned qualified specialists to each seed-growing enterprise during inspection.

The work of cleaning and sorting, depilation and processing of raw cotton in the region is controlled by the regional department and district departments of the Uzagroinspectorate.The work of cleaning and sorting, depilation and processing of raw cotton in the region is controlled by the regional department and district departments of the Uzagroinspectorate.

Currently, 3,067 tons of raw cotton have been cleaned and sorted in the cotton-textile clusters and seed shops of the region, of which 1,224 tons of the planned 5,847 tons of seeds have been processed and packaged.
During the control activities, it was ensured that the heads of cotton textile clusters and seed procurement shops were given appropriate warning letters and written instructions regarding compliance with legal requirements for the procurement of quality seeds.

The procurement and storage of high-quality seeds for the next year's harvest in accordance with the requirements established by Government regulations was systematically controlled by the district inspection department and regional employees of district departments.

Khorezm regional branch of Uzagroinspeksiya.

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