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Propaganda of the Constitution: special training has been organized at the Inspectorate

22 September 2023 2293

These days, educational seminars are being organized throughout the republic for employees of government bodies and organizations at all levels, aimed at a comprehensive study of the essence of the new edition of the Constitution.

One such training seminar was organized at the Uzagroinspektsiya, which was attended by employees of the regional administration through the central office and the ZOOM platform. Associate Professor of Tashkent State Law University I. as an expert at the event. I. Turaboev and the head of the department of the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences A. Teshaboev took part and gave explanations to the audience about the basic principles defined in our Constitution, society and certain issues, in particular, about personnel legal norms and their application in the daily activities of civil servants.

- In order for the population to live a free and prosperous life, the main criterion for each of our activities is our General Council, which reflects their rights, responsibilities before the law and the country.G. IrgashevaToday’s event once again meant that every civil servant must have deep knowledge of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a deep understanding of their rights and responsibilities and strictly follow them in their activities.

During the training, an exchange of views took place on the protection of human rights and freedoms in the Constitution, issues of further development of legislation in this direction, and the role of bodies exercising control in the protection of human rights and freedoms.

During the seminar, the speakers gave appropriate answers to the questions of the participants.

◽️Training continues directly at the regional offices of the Inspectorate.

Information service "Uzagroinspektsiya"

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