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Korovulbazar: The preparation of agricultural machinery for the season is being completed in the region.

12 January 2024 1214

At the moment, in total, more than 400 seeders, 2,395 hay mowers and cultivators, more than 400 cultivators, 515 chisels and more than 12 thousand tine harrows participating in the planting season at the regional level are undergoing repairs and technical inspection. The machines are out of repair and transfer work is underway.

If we talk about agricultural activities only in the Garovulbazar district, then in the current winter season in the Cholkuvar district 6 thousand 519 hectares of land have been plowed, 27 high-performance tractors and teams of experienced mechanics have been involved in field work. Thanks to their work, 116 hectares of land were plowed to the required level in one day using 15 plows.

- For the early spring planting of seeds in the Cholkuvar region, 76 plow-tractors and cultivators, 36 seeders, 39 cotton pickers, 186 toothed harrows and 15 OVH type sprayers were checked. Repair work is being carried out in Cholkuvar district. in order to eliminate identified malfunctions, says Anvar Jamolov, senior inspector of the inspection control department of the Agrosanoat complex.

Being a close partner of farmers in the region, the cotton textile clusters “Bukhara Agrocluster” and ARK Yeko Textile LLC create all the necessary conditions for mechanics, plumbers and other specialist craftsmen in the equipment park of the two clusters, as well as high-quality repairs of agricultural equipment.

Bukhara regional department of agricultural inspection

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