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Mandatory certification of cotton fiber is being studied

12 March 2024 859

In accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents related to the industry, within the cotton textile production and cluster, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, it is mandatory to approve the quality of cotton fiber produced in excess of its needs. documents in the field of technical regulation.

The procedure for certification of cotton fiber is established by the Regulations “On Certification and Weighing of Cotton Fiber”, approved by Government Decree No. 106 of February 12, 2018.The procedure for certification of cotton fiber is established by the Regulations “On Certification and Weighing of Cotton Fiber”, approved by Government Decree No. 106 of February 12, 2018.

According to it, samples are taken from each bundle of cotton fiber submitted for certification according to the state standard. Samples are produced in an accredited testing laboratory using the HVI method and the cluster method in accordance with the state standard “Cotton fiber “Technical conditions”.

As a result of the tests, high average length (type), type and class of cotton fiber, micronervity index, specific tensile strength and length uniformity index, as well as quality defects in cotton fiber samples (seed, lint, oil, smell) were established. etc.) and determine the presence of other impurities.

When it is established that cotton fiber meets the requirements of the state standard for a bundle of cotton fiber, a certificate of conformity is issued. The certificate is valid from the moment of registration. The certificate is valid for 6 months provided that the conditions for transportation and storage of cotton fiber are met.

For each bundle of cotton fiber that does not meet the requirements of this standard, an inspection report in the approved form is drawn up.

Certification of cotton fiber and weighing of bales, supply of fiber to cotton fiber processing enterprises of the republic are carried out by accredited certification bodies in accordance with the orders of the organizers of cotton textile production and clusters.

Compliance with the rules of mandatory certification when selling cotton fiber is monitored by the Uzagroinspectorate. In particular, in January-February of this year, all cotton-textile clusters of our republic were sent notifications about the mandatory certification of cotton fiber produced in excess of their needs, as well as about the legal consequences of failure to comply with these requirements. and preventive measures were taken. Mandatory certification of cotton fiber was studied in Tashbulok Text LLC and Namangan Tokimachi LLC, Fayz-M LLC and Alertex LLC in Andijan region.

During the research, it turned out that out of a total amount of 2820 tons of cotton fiber processed by Aliortex LLC from the 2023 harvest for its own needs, only 47.41 tons were necessarily certified, and an administrative measure was applied to the enterprise. Control measures continue.

Sh. Mamadalieva, chief specialist of the control, certification and metrology service

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