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Measures have been established for cultural recreation of employees

15 December 2023 1462

In 2023-2024, in order to create additional conditions for full cultural recreation of workers, rational use of rest and vacations, a number of practical works have begun and activities are carried out based on the plan and schedule.

In particular, the inspection committee of the trade union of the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture carried out the following work: Resolution No. 222 basically determined the plan of necessary measures in our country within the framework of preservation, widespread propaganda and transfer of our national values, including national art and the art of curiosity, as intangible cultural heritage for the next generation. The result of these measures is

In order to properly conduct the Day of Agricultural Workers, in accordance with the relevant protocol of the Ministry of Agriculture, more than 30 employees of the system, together with members of their families, took part in the comedy play “Kungil” at the National Academic Drama Theater. Everyone liked the musical comedy performance, and the mood of the audience was high. In the inspection system, such activities will continue in the future.

Information service "Uzagroinspektsiya"

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