Ру Ўз O`z En

More than 10 thousand hectares of areas intended for growing seed cotton have been withdrawn from seed production.

20 September 2023 2068

This year, seed cotton was grown on 99,335 hectares of land by 3,187 entities in 119 districts.

Approval of the area of seed cotton is a necessary “foundation” for next year’s harvest. Thus, over the past period, the department for monitoring the production of agricultural seeds of the inspectorate has carried out a number of works.

In particular, in order to ensure the implementation of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture dated August 7, 2023 “On conducting a field permitting inspection on seed cotton fields,” the following measures have been implemented in the field of cotton seed production.

The Ministry of Agriculture, the Center for Seed Development and working groups consisting of experts and scientists from specialized organizations carried out constant monitoring of seed production enterprises in the regions for the accumulation of high-quality and guaranteed seed cotton.

As a result of control and approval measures, 10.5 thousand hectares of areas were excluded from seed production where errors and shortcomings were made in the care of seed cotton.

This year, from 88.8 thousand hectares of area, it is planned to collect 139.7 thousand tons of raw cotton, of which 99.1 thousand tons will go to the “main fund” and 40.6 thousand tons to the “reserve fund” .

In particular, 107.5 thousand tons of 21 early-ripening varieties, 19.4 thousand tons of 3 mid-ripening varieties, 5.3 thousand tons of 6 fine-fiber varieties, as well as 7.5 thousand tons of promising and new varieties.

73.3 thousand tons of seeds will be processed from raw cotton, which will be stored for next year's harvest. Of these, the share is 56.4 thousand tons of early-ripening varieties, 10.3 thousand tons of mid-ripening varieties, 2.7 thousand tons of fine-fiber varieties, 3.9 thousand tons of promising and new varieties.

The corresponding conclusions were given on time on 12 requests from Agroclusters and cotton seed farms operating in the regions with a request to provide practical assistance in the approval process.

Also, the department for control of seed production of agricultural crops of the inspection is investigating the development of dislocations for receiving raw cotton in cotton receiving facilities, repairs of warehouses and seed receiving sites, state comparisons of laboratory equipment and measuring instruments.

Information service "Uzagroinspektsiya"

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