Ру Ўз O`z En


16 May 2023 1791
The seed industry is the main driver for obtaining high yields from agricultural crops and producing quality products, and in the production of conditioned seeds, approval plays an important role.
In particular, in order to ensure food security in the country, more than 1 million hectares of main areas are planted with grain crops, 265,000 tons of high-quality seeds are required for these areas, and providing them with quality-guaranteed seeds places a great responsibility on all sector officials.
For this reason, scientists and experts of all fields of the republic will organize a centralized educational-practical seminar before conducting an approval inspection as a level event in order to determine the areas of genetically high-yielding seeds for the next year's harvest, and the relevant explaining, giving recommendations and sharing experiences has become a tradition.

As you know, on May 12, 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with the joint-stock company "Ozdonmahsulot" at the Research Institute of Cereals and Legumes in Andijan region, "Seed meat in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions" a demonstration training-practical seminar on "approval inspection" was held in alla fields.

In this seminar, the Minister of Agriculture A. Voitov focused on the tasks that need to be carried out in this regard and the effective organization of these tasks, while scientists and specialists discussed the "On Seeding" of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the basis of the requirements of the Government's Law on October 12, 2021 "On the Procedure for Approving Agricultural Crops in the Fields Sown for Seed" .

In the republic, more than 150 commissions were formed in the regions to carry out approval inspections of seed and grain fields, and about 500 specialists from relevant training, supply organizations and scientific institutions were involved in these commissions. More than 3,300 seed-growing entities with the right to grow seeds, elite seed farms and scientific institutions will be sampled and analyzed and relevant documents will be issued.
For this reason, in order to collect seed grain whose yield and quality indicators fully meet the state standards for the upcoming 2024 grain harvest in our republic by the approval commissions established in the country, a total of 141 regional departments and district departments of the Inspectorate by inspectors, based on the requirements of the above-mentioned Regulation, the inspection of the approval, the control of the activities on removing the fields with non-specific mixtures and weeds from the seed and declaring them unusable have been started.

In addition, the inspectors attached to the districts, according to the requirements of the Law "On Seeding", 34 grain enterprises of the AK system "Ozdonmahsulot" receiving seed grain, 73 houses belonging to them and 65 seed workshops, warning letters of 51 elite seed farms by the responsible and responsible persons of the cluster enterprises to comply with the requirements of the standards in the acceptance and placement of seed materials this year, and the members of the approval commission to conduct the approval process based on the requirements specified in the Regulations provided.

Based on the above, today in our republic, as a result of these measures, the quality indicators of the yield for the grain harvest of 2024 are high, and the seed grain from the high-yielding grain varieties is collected according to the Inspectorate's "Agricultural crops seeds Appropriate measures have been determined and control activities are being carried out by the Department for Control of the Cultivation of .

M. Gurbanboyev, head of the department for monitoring the cultivation of seeds of agricultural crops Sh. Khayitov, Chief Specialist of the Board
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