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Navoi: Preparation for seed planting is under control

8 April 2024 890

This year, 847 farms in Navoi region plan to plant seeds on 28 thousand 155 hectares of land, and according to the information of the Uzgidromet agency, it is forecasted that the spring months will be favorable for sowing seeds and collecting uniform sprouts in the region.

At such times, clusters and farmers should approach seed planting very responsibly, work efficiently, organize work based on the recommendations of scientific experts and best practices.At such times, clusters and farmers should approach seed planting very responsibly, work efficiently, organize work based on the recommendations of scientific experts and best practices.

In the regions, taking into account the soil climatic conditions and the average temperature of the soil at a depth of 0-10 cm, it is acceptable to carry out planting when the average temperature is 12 degrees for planting hairy seeds and 14 degrees for planting depilated seeds.

In particular, 2 thousand 116 hectares of land were prepared for the harvest of 2024 in one day, 21 435 hectares in the season, and seed planting works were carried out on 20 thousand 138 hectares of land. is going

In addition, the creation of mineral fertilizers reserve for planting was ensured by the district departments, the creation of 6 thousand 601 tons of phosphorous and 2 948 tons of potassium fertilizers, the required annual rate of which was studied in cluster enterprises.

In addition, in order to ensure timely and high-quality agrotechnical activities in the fields planted with seeds, 602 mower tractors, 602 cultivators, 179 high-performance seed drills, 92 sprayers, 118 mineral fertilizer spreaders were repaired and put in a state ready for the season. They were fully examined by the district departments of "Uzagroinspektsiya" and special certificates were issued to them.

During the season, the regional administration of "Uzagroinspektsiya" and district departments are constantly monitoring the preparation of land for planting seeds, planting seeds, and carrying out agrotechnical activities in the areas planted with seeds, giving the necessary recommendations and insights to the heads of farms.

B. Toychiev, chief specialist of the Navoi region department of the Inspectorate

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