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Spring planting is being completed by farmers

24 April 2024 788

In 2022-2023, on the total 193 thousand 159 hectares of land allocated to 674 thousand 865 farmers across the Republic, for the harvest of 2024, the full planting of the types of agricultural crops planned to be planted in the autumn-winter months of 2023 and spring of 2024, as well as agrotechnical measures in the planted areas timely implementation is constantly monitored by the central office of "Uzagroinspektsiya", regional departments and their district departments.

In particular, 116,500 hectares of land allocated to farmers this year are planted with vegetables, 20,000 hectares of rice, 23,100 hectares of potatoes, 18,600 hectares of legumes, 13,300 hectares of oil crops, 1,000 hectares of rice and 409 it is planned to plant other types of agricultural crops on hectare areas and grow a total of 5.7 million tons of agricultural products.

When "Uzagroinspektsiya" studied the state of planting of agricultural crops in farms across the Republic until April 24 of this year, it was found that since the beginning of the season, agricultural crops were planted on 175 thousand 120 hectares or 90.7 percent of the planned area of farms across the Republic.

Of this, vegetables are 112 thousand 744 hectares or 96.7% compared to the plan, rice 16 thousand 557 hectares or 82.8% compared to the plan, potatoes 21 thousand 757 hectares or 94.1% compared to the plan, legumes 14 thousand 675 hectares or compared to the plan 75.8 percent, oil crops are 9 thousand 546 hectares or 71.3 percent compared to the plan and other crops are 363 hectares or 88.8 percent compared to the plan.

Spring planting is being completed by farmers. Based on the soil-climatic conditions of a number of regions of the republic, planting of sugar, leguminous and oil crops and some types of vegetable crops continues.

For example, according to the analyzes of the planting of agricultural crops by farmers in the spring of 2024, the planting of oilseed crops in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Bukhara, Navoi, Namangan, and Syrdarya regions, and the planting of leguminous crops in the regions of Jizzakh, Samarkand, Tashkent, Fergana, and Khorezm are lagging behind. .

"Uzagroinspektsiya" is monitoring the complete planting of agricultural crops in optimal terms by species on a total of 193 thousand 158 hectares of land allocated to farmers for the harvest of 2024.

"Uzagroinspektsiya" Information Service

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