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Syrdarya: storage of seed cotton accumulated for the 2024 harvest is under control

19 December 2023 1320

The leadership of the Syrdarya region and district departments controls the storage of cotton seed material accumulated for the 2024 harvest.

In particular, from the 2023 harvest, 9 cotton textile clusters collected a total of 7807 tons, of which 7598 tons in 30 warehouses and 209 tons in 5 warehouses of seed cotton raw materials by variety and generation.

In particular, farms collected 7,598 tons of seed cotton raw materials accumulated in cotton textile clusters into the main fund, and elite seed farms collected 209 tons.

Based on the results of the control measures, it was established that all the tunnels were covered with tarpaulin covers, and work was carried out in them to dig, cut and comb the tunnels.

"Center for Assessing the Quality of Agricultural Seeds" regional branch of DM, daily, based on the requirements of regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation, sampling and after sampling, mechanical damage, 1000 seeds. weight level, ripeness and fertility, the quality indicators of agricultural seeds are checked and sent to the laboratory to determine the purity of the variety.

In addition, control over the quality of repair work at 4 seed shops in the region, packaging and storage has been established, and practical assistance has been provided to business entities in the field of cotton seed production.

In order to complete the season on time, specialists from the regional department and district inspection departments carried out 9 control measures to accumulate cotton seed raw materials stored in warehouses based on regulatory requirements, and also issued 7 warnings and 8 written orders. transferred, and the materials collected in 1 identified case were sent to the relevant law enforcement agencies.

Syrdarya Regional Inspection Department

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