Ру Ўз O`z En

The Mobile Arbitration Commissions received 353 appeals regarding the contamination and moisture content of raw cotton.

20 November 2023 1382

Uzagroinspectorate carried out a number of activities related to the high-quality acceptance of the 2023 cotton harvest, prompt and fair resolution of disputes arising between the sender and recipients.


In particular, 39 mobile arbitration groups created in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions received 353 requests to determine the type, class, moisture content and contamination of cotton raw materials received at the training centers during the season, while in 80 cases the cotton was rejected. According to class, in 273 cases there were disputes regarding the contamination and moisture content of cotton raw materials.

Of these, 261 disputes were resolved in favor of farms, 92 in favor of processing enterprises.

As a result of regular quality control of the acceptance of the current year’s cotton harvest by Uzagroinspeksiya, 98% of the raw cotton produced in the republic was recognized as high-grade.

In particular, the main part of raw cotton produced in Bukhara, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya and Syrdarya regions was accepted as high grades.

Also, a “discount” of 32 thousand 62 tons (0.84%) and a “surcharge” of 4 thousand 687 tons (0.12%) were applied to the received cotton; the amount of the discount compared to the previous 2022 amounted to 33 thousand 323 tons or 1.0. percent less, a surplus of 555 tons was achieved.

For reference, a “discount” of 65 thousand 385 tons (1.83%) and a “surcharge” of 4 thousand 132 tons (0.12%) were applied to cotton accepted in 2022.

Republican working group "Uzagroinspection", working groups created in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions during the season, correctly analyze the type, class and quality of cotton, promptly resolve disputes between suppliers and recipients of cotton. They are resolved on the spot.

Department of inspection of the use of cotton raw materials, grain and products obtained as a result of its processing

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