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The quality of storage of cotton raw materials stored in warehouses is under inspection control.

16 November 2023 1640

Obtaining raw cotton seed and storing it in accordance with established standard procedures is an important process. The reason is that the abundance of the next year's harvest is closely related to the quality of the seeds.

In particular, cotton receiving enterprises that are part of existing cotton-textile clusters received 133 thousand tons of raw cotton this year, of which 95 thousand tons went to the main fund and 38 thousand tons to the reserve fund.

Of this accumulated seed cotton, 5.5 thousand tons are stored in 114 warehouses and 127.3 tons in 714 warehouses on the basis of regulatory documents of special quality by variety and generation.

Also, 708 bales of raw cotton accumulated in shelters were passed through air suction devices once, 627 bales twice and 108 bales three times.

To date, 174 control measures have been carried out regarding the covering of seed cotton raw materials stored in warehouses with tarps, tunnels have been dug, cutting and combing work has been carried out in accordance with regulatory requirements, and 170 warnings have been issued. persons responsible for violations of the law. 83 written orders, 5 submissions and 1 administrative protocol were issued.

At the same time, together with the State Institution “Center for Assessing the Quality of Agricultural Products”, among the seeds collected from the 2023 harvest, among the seed-receiving cotton textile clusters, cooperatives and elite seed farms, Agreements were signed to conduct tests to determine the initial quality. indicators of cotton raw materials, and this activity continues.


Kh. Asfandierov, leading specialist of the crop control department

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