Ру Ўз O`z En

Khorezm: The reception of 87,900 tons of grain from the 2023 season was controlled

1 August 2023 2011

During the grain season of 2023 in the Khorezm region, 4 grain enterprises (Khorazmdonmahsulot, Bogotdonmahsulot, Khangadonmahsulot, Shavotdonmahsulot) and their grain receiving branches, which are part of the "Ozdonmahsulot" AK system, will accept the goods grain grown in the districts. Dislocations were developed in order to complete in a short time.

It is planned to receive a total of 77 thousand tons of commercial grain from the 2023 grain harvest to existing grain enterprises and branches in the region, of which 43 thousand tons are planned to be accepted for savings and 34 thousand tons for temporary storage.

in the 2023 grain receiving season to the account of the fund

45 thousand 423 tons or 105.6% compared to the plan, and to temporary storage

42 thousand 477 tons or 124.9% compared to the plan, a total of 87 thousand 900 tons of grain was fulfilled by 114.2% compared to the plan.

During the grain receiving season, the employees assigned to each grain enterprise and grain receiving station by the regional department of "Uzagroinspeksiya" solved the conflict issues between grain receivers and grain suppliers on the spot. Employees attached to the laboratories of grain enterprises and grain receiving stations constantly monitored the correct collection of samples, the formation of the samples according to regulatory documents, and the correct analysis of the samples, and 87 thousand 900 received from the harvest of 2023 in the region tons of wheat grain was fully accepted into the 3rd class.

Today, 16 thousand 300 tons of received grain are stored in open fields, 22 thousand 317 tons in open terraces, 35 thousand 542 tons in closed warehouses, and 13 thousand 741 tons in grain storage elevators.

In order to prevent the excess of losses due to natural decline and deterioration of the quality of received grain, during the grain receiving season, qualified specialists of the Khorezm regional office of "Uzagroinspeksiya" and the regional branch of the Center for Quality Assessment of Agricultural Products are attached to grain enterprises in the region, and violations of the law in order to prevent such cases, the Inspection provided written instructions to each grain receiving enterprise, whose execution is mandatory.

At present, control measures are being continued in connection with quality storage of grain received at grain receiving enterprises and transfer to closed capacity warehouses.


H.Jumaniyazov-Khorazm Regional Department of Uzagroinspection

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