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Inspection News

The work of feeding cotton with mineral fertilizers is being monitored by the Inspectorate

The work of feeding cotton with mineral fertilizers is being monitored by the Inspectorate

This year, cotton is cultivated on 1 million 12 thousand 445 hectares in the territories of the Republic.

1 July 2024 566
Andijan: damages calculated as a result of land violations will be recovered from the guilty persons

Andijan: damages calculated as a result of land violations will be recovered from the guilty persons

Control measures are being carried out by the branch of "Uzagroinspektsiya" for controlling the use of agricultural lands of the Andijan regional administration.

1 July 2024 474


It is planned to transfer a total of 228,000 tons of grain from the harvest of 2024, 76,150 tons to the account of the fund, 138,600 tons to temporary storage (exchange), and 13,250 tons to seed grain by grain-growing clusters and farms in Samarkand region. done

28 June 2024 560


An event was organized on the occasion of "Youth Day" on June 30

27 June 2024 599
The Uzbek-Turkish seed breeding test center will be opened

The Uzbek-Turkish seed breeding test center will be opened

As we reported earlier, at the same time, the delegation of "Ozagroinspektsiya" is in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, and official meetings with leaders of industry organizations on mutual cooperation are ongoing.

27 June 2024 590
Certificates of conformity are issued for seed potatoes

Certificates of conformity are issued for seed potatoes

Potatoes are planned to be planted on a total of 47,223 hectares of fields that have been freed from grain this year, and 132,281 tons of seed potatoes are required for these areas.

27 June 2024 533


Currently, various events, meetings and projects are being organized in every region of our country within the framework of "Youth Month".

26 June 2024 502
Employees of

Employees of "Uzagroinspektsiya" are providing assistance for the household of people who need help

Homesteads are the main source of income for most families in our country, especially in rural areas. Through efficient use of the garden, families are able to supply not only themselves, but also local markets with a variety of vegetables and fruits.

24 June 2024 364
Fergana: high-quality wheat is delivered to grain receiving enterprises

Fergana: high-quality wheat is delivered to grain receiving enterprises

In the current year 2024, farms and grain production clusters in Fergana region have concluded contractual agreements for the transfer of 82 thousand 200 tons of commercial wheat and 19 thousand 700 tons of seed grain for state needs to grain enterprises and their grain receiving stations. it is det…

24 June 2024 421
The number of appeals to the Inspectorate through the single interactive public services portal is increasing

The number of appeals to the Inspectorate through the single interactive public services portal is increasing

It is known that one of the main tasks of "Uzagroinspektsiya" is to provide public services to individuals and legal entities in the field of monitoring the state of agriculture, land reclamation and road construction equipment.

24 June 2024 414
Khorezm's golden thresher of high quality

Khorezm's golden thresher of high quality

85,000 tons of wheat grain, including 77,000 tons of commercial grain, including 26,900 tons for the fund account, 50,100 tons for temporary storage and 8,000 tons of seed wheat by grain-growing farms and grain clusters in the Khorezm region in the 2024 grain receiving season it is planned to grow g…

21 June 2024 519
The quality of wheat received as a state resource from the harvest of 2024 is under control

The quality of wheat received as a state resource from the harvest of 2024 is under control

According to Government Decision No. 325 of this year "On measures to purchase wheat from the harvest of 2024 and ensure price stability in the domestic market", the quality, storage and shipment of wheat accepted as a state resource and for temporary storage to the Inspectorate of Control over the …

21 June 2024 441
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