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Inspection News

Mandatory certification of cotton fiber is being studied

Mandatory certification of cotton fiber is being studied

In accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents related to the industry, within the cotton textile production and cluster, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, it is mandatory to approve the quality of cotton fiber produced in excess of its needs. doc…

12 March 2024 858
More than 14 thousand hectares of potatoes were planted in the Tashkent region this year

More than 14 thousand hectares of potatoes were planted in the Tashkent region this year

More than 376.9 million tons of potatoes are produced annually in 156 countries. Uzbekistan ranks 23rd among these countries. The largest producers are China, India, Russia, Ukraine, USA, Germany, Bangladesh, Poland, France and the Netherlands.

12 March 2024 716
Abandoned lands will be returned to the district administration's reserves

Abandoned lands will be returned to the district administration's reserves

Limited Liability Company "Greenhouse Khojayli", operating on the territory of the "Sarishungul" massif of the Khojaly district by the department for control over the use of agricultural land of the administration of the Republic of Karakalpakstan "Uzagroinspection" (using the hydroponics method) du…

5 March 2024 783


It is known that the quality and weight of crops grown in agriculture depend on correctly selected seed products. No matter how good the land and water conditions are and how great the fertility of the soil, if the quality of the seeds planted in the ground is not up to the mark, the crops that grow…

4 March 2024 850
The intended use of agricultural land is under control

The intended use of agricultural land is under control

Today, control over the use of agricultural land for strictly defined purposes is carried out by the Tashkent regional department of the Uzagroinspectorate of the Ministry of Agriculture.

29 February 2024 1276
A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the research institute

A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the research institute

The training of highly qualified engineering and technical personnel for the industry, advanced training of specialists, rapid development of the industry and ensuring integration between production enterprises have risen to the level of state policy, and the decisions of the President of the Republ…

23 February 2024 1210
Inspection bilimdonlari

Inspection bilimdonlari "Zakovat"ning viloyat boskichida bellashdilar

The first (territorial) stage of the intellectual game “Zakovat”, organized among teams of employees of district inspection departments, was attended by 600 employees from 150 districts. The teams demonstrated their knowledge and potential in an organized manner through intense debates.

22 February 2024 1270
Preparing for sowing: the better the seeds, the better the harvest

Preparing for sowing: the better the seeds, the better the harvest

Obtaining high yields and quality products from agricultural crops depends on seeds. At the core of supplying quality seeds, cultivation, processing and quality control of yield and yield require significant commitment on the part of field personnel.

22 February 2024 1368
Surkhandarya: damage to agricultural lands amounts to 730 million soums

Surkhandarya: damage to agricultural lands amounts to 730 million soums

The department for control over the use of agricultural land of the Surkhandarya regional department of the Uzagroinspectorate carries out control measures to protect agricultural land.

21 February 2024 1210
Is the Tashkent region ready for spring feeding of grain planted for this year's harvest?

Is the Tashkent region ready for spring feeding of grain planted for this year's harvest?

In the Tashkent region this year, 123 thousand hectares of autumn grain crops are cultivated, and currently the seed grains are developing in the full flowering phase.

21 February 2024 1074
Applications for the use of agricultural land are being considered

Applications for the use of agricultural land are being considered

Control measures are being carried out by the department for control over the use of agricultural lands of the Navoi regional department of the Uzagroinspectorate.

20 February 2024 1088
Samarkand: 135 cases of violations of the law were identified during “joint raids”

Samarkand: 135 cases of violations of the law were identified during “joint raids”

According to the action plan, in cooperation with the control inspection of the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Main Directorate of Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic, on Thursdays of every week, regional departments and district divisions …

19 February 2024 885
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