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DIGITIZATION: What has been done in the direction of monitoring technical condition

22 December 2023 1303

As a result of paying special attention to the digitalization of the sphere in the past period, to date, 3 digitally automated information systems have been created and put into operation in the direction of monitoring the technical condition of the Uzagroinspectorate.


1. For the purposes of electronic accounting of state-registered agricultural, reclamation and road construction equipment, an automated information system “Equipment Accounting” has been developed. To date, the system includes information about more than 350 thousand cars. Electronic database (https:// uzagroteh.uz).

2. Automated information system “Tractor Driver” - developed for the purpose of conducting theoretical exams for obtaining a tractor driver’s license in electronic form and maintaining electronic records of tractor drivers; today it contains information about more than 105 thousand tractor drivers. an electronic database has been created (https://tm.uzagroteh.uz/).

3. For the purpose of electronically maintaining information on the technical inspection of agricultural, reclamation and road construction equipment, an automated information system “Technical Inspection” has been developed. Electronic database (https://tk.uzagroteh.uz/). created on more than 240 thousand vehicles that have undergone technical inspection over the past period.

In order to reduce document flow and ensure electronic data transfer in real time, the information system “Accounting for Technical Specialists” was integrated with the information systems of more than 10 departments of the ministries, and as a result, in the past period of 2023
More than 2.5 million technical queries were answered electronically in real time.

A special system of QR codes has been introduced for technical passports, technical certificates and tractor driver’s licenses issued by the inspectorate.
Using this QR code, it was possible to determine information about the equipment or tractor driver in real time.

In order to improve the quality of public services and save time for individuals and legal entities, an opportunity has been created to apply for the use of 6 types of services provided by the Inspectorate through the Unified interactive portal of public services (my.gov.uz). ).
As a result, it has become possible to receive information in real time through the Unified Portal of Interactive Government Services (my.gov.uz) without the need to visit the Inspectorate to find out whether the equipment of individuals and legal entities is prohibited or not, as well as information about the equipment.
Digitalization of the industry continues.

"Ozagroinspektsiya" Technical condition control department

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