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Good news: new laboratory is an important step in ensuring food safety

21 December 2023 1300

Today, in order to ensure food safety, the Uzagroinspectorate under the Ministry of Agriculture has created a new regional laboratory located in the city of Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan, to quickly and accurately assess the quality indicators of seeds grown locally and imported from abroad.  The opening ceremony of this facility took place today.

The laboratory was equipped and modernized with the latest state-of-the-art equipment through a US$4 million grant from the World Bank, resulting in increased efficiency and speed of research and a dramatic reduction in human error. Also, in cotton-textile clusters and seed enterprises of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, it is necessary to ensure the quality of seeds in the processes of growing, accumulating, storing, processing and selling seeds for planting and low-quality seeds. they don't allow me to plant

Today, this laboratory determines the quality indicators of cotton products produced by the existing cotton-textile clusters of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, namely cotton fiber, cotton wool and industrial cotton seeds, and also determines the oil content of industrial seeds and issues documents. They measure the weight of the produced cotton bales. In particular, in the process of determining the quality indicators of cotton fiber in the modern HVI system, 14 quality indicators of one fiber are determined.Today, this laboratory determines the quality indicators of cotton products produced by the existing cotton-textile clusters of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, namely cotton fiber, cotton wool and industrial cotton seeds, and also determines the oil content of industrial seeds and issues documents. They measure the weight of the produced cotton bales. In particular, in the process of determining the quality indicators of cotton fiber in the modern HVI system, 14 quality indicators of one fiber are determined.
As a result, taking into account the experience of the USA and Australia, which are considered advanced in cotton production, the fiber is assessed according to quality indicators (HVI) in accredited testing laboratories, resulting in the formation of a primary document about the origin of cotton. finished products that meet the requirements of the world's leading textile brands.
As a result of entering fiber quality indicators tested in the HVI system into a single database and analyzing them across varieties, this makes it possible to prevent violations of the fiber quality of breeding varieties grown in local conditions and to choose directions for creating new varieties.
For reference, the State Institution “Center for Quality Assessment of Agricultural Products” under the Agroinspectorate has a total of 13 laboratories for testing cotton products throughout the republic, equipped with 35 HVI systems for testing cotton fiber. All laboratories are staffed by qualified personnel with many years of testing experience. In order to continuously study the correct and accurate operation of the HVI-900 and HVI-1000 systems available in all regional laboratories, for comparison with testing equipment in other countries, ICA Bremen cotton fiber tests and research are carried out on a global scale. Center for Commercial Standardization of Cotton Instrumental Testing (CSITS) - commercial standardization of instrumental cotton testing takes part in international round tests.
Also, before overproduction by the Technical Seed Center, the oil content in the seeds is determined by specialist employees of the NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) analyzer.
At the courses “Classification, Certification and Marketing of Cotton Fiber”, organized by the State Institution “Center for Quality Assessment of Agricultural Products”, industry specialists improve their skills in determining the types and classes of cotton fiber and selling cotton fiber on the world market.
Through this training course, qualified specialists are trained in the testing and certification processes of cotton products.
In short, as a result of the targeted use of grants allocated on the basis of Government regulations aimed at further improving the inspection system, guaranteed and biologically safe seeds will be supplied to farmers and farmers of our country in the future. As a result of this, the completeness of our population table will be ensured, which is the essence of the reforms being implemented in agriculture.
Information service "Uzagroinspektsiya"

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