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A trip to the ancient city of Samarkand was organized

8 July 2024 1373

With the support of the head of the regional department of "Uzagroinspektsiya" Kashkdarya and the initiative of the regional trade union, for employees, activists, women and labor veterans who have been working for many years in the labor unions of the agricultural sector, which has its rich historical and cultural heritage, ancient and always a trip to the famous old city of Samarkand was organized.

First, the trip began with a visit to Khoja Daniyor shrine, Sayohat Shahi prison monument, Islam Karimov mausoleum, Amir Temur mausoleum, recitation of the Qur'an in honor of dear saints and great-grandfathers.

The second half of the trip continues with the Mirzo Ulugbek Observatory, the Registan Ensemble (Sherdor, Tillakori, Mirzo Ulugbek madrasas) and the Bibikhanim madrasa. once again witnessed their great contribution.

They also saw the unique architectural monuments of Samarkand and the cultural and educational facilities, parks and buildings that are rising in the city at the initiative of the head of our state.

National pride was once again awakened in the hearts of travelers who went to the "Eternal City" complex. It could be seen in their joyful eyes and in their conversations.

At this point, it should be said that the construction of this magnificent center consisting of the "Eternal City" complex, congress hall, 8 modern hotels, an amphitheater and many other objects has given more interest to the beauty of Samarkand.

Travelers have witnessed the history of Samarkand, which is described as an old and always modern city, and the creative works carried out here in recent years, which have further increased its fame.

"The trip to the city of Samarkand was a reason to get acquainted with the employees of the agricultural sector of our region, who are working in labor teams, and to establish friendships." - says Dildora Khairiyeva, head of the primary organization for family and women's issues of the Kashkadarya region of Uzagroinspektsiya.

Samarkand has long been a world-famous city for its unique beauty, wonderful weather, sweet water and delicious bread. Centuries later, this city still attracts people like an iron rod. During the trip, the visitors got a great impression of the ancient history of Samarkand and the creative complexes built during the years of independence.


Information service of the Kashkadarya regional administration of "Uzagroinspeksia".

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