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Administrative measures will be taken against persons responsible for violating the rules for storing seed cotton.

29 November 2023 1561

“Bakht Textile”, “Navbahor Textile”, “Textile Navoi Group” and a total of 4450 tons of seed cotton were sent to the cotton receiving points of Khudoishukur Bobo LLC and 3 “Elite Seed Farms” created under the leadership of the Seed Development Center, of which 2640 tons went to the main fund and 1810 tons to the reserve.

The resulting cotton seed plants were placed on 4 verandas and 29 garams in accordance with the requirements of the state standard, tunnels were dug, garams were cut and combed and they were wrapped in first category tarpaulins. Today, based on regulatory requirements, seed cotton raw materials stored in warehouses are covered with tarpaulins, tunnels are dug, shearing and carding work is carried out, control measures are carried out, cases of violation of the law have been identified and the causes and conditions causing them have been eliminated, the heads of all enterprises of the cotton-textile cluster have been given official warnings and written remedial instructions.

Also, at the enterprises of the cotton textile cluster, studies were carried out on the storage of seed cotton taking into account the requirements of state standards, as a result of which an administrative protocol was drawn up against the responsible employee of Textile Navoi Group LLC for violating the rules. raw cotton warehouse. sent to the district court.

In particular, agreements have been concluded between the cotton textile seed cluster, cooperatives and elite seed farms, together with the state institution “Center for Agricultural Product Quality Assessment”, to conduct tests to determine the initial quality indicators of seed cotton from the 2023 harvest. raw materials, and this activity continues.

In this direction, specialists from the regional inspection department and the district department also monitored the quality of storage of seed cotton and preparation before primary processing, and also provided detailed information on the work performed.

Mirzoev A., branch of the regional inspection department

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