Ру Ўз O`z En


4 March 2024 851

It is known that the quality and weight of crops grown in agriculture depend on correctly selected seed products. No matter how good the land and water conditions are and how great the fertility of the soil, if the quality of the seeds planted in the ground is not up to the mark, the crops that grow from such greatness will not be as expected and the plans will fail. Therefore, in addition to high-quality preparation of land for planting, agricultural enterprises pay special attention to the early preparation of high-quality agricultural products.

In this regard, in order to ensure next year’s harvest in the AMUDARYA region, every year during the spring sowing season, soil is created for next year’s agriculture and measures are taken to procure quality seeds.In this regard, in order to ensure next year’s harvest in the AMUDARYA region, every year during the spring sowing season, soil is created for next year’s agriculture and measures are taken to procure quality seeds.

The Amudarya regional department of agricultural inspection is monitoring the progress of preparing high-quality seeds that meet the requirements of state standards for the 2024 harvest.

In total, during the preventive measures for raw cotton accepted for seeds and its storage by cluster enterprises and elite seed farms for the 2023 cotton harvest in the AMUDARYA region, 2 thousand 432.6 tons of raw cotton were collected.

In addition, there is 1 seed shop in the area, and to date the planned 905 tons of seeds for sorting, processing and packaging have been completed and stored in accordance with legal requirements.

In order to provide farms with high-quality seeds, employees of the district department of the Agroinspectorate and the Karakalpak branch of the State Institution “Center for Assessing the Quality of Agricultural Products” assigned a qualified specialist to the seed procurement enterprise during the inspection.

During the control activities, the work carried out by the Agroinspectorate was studied in connection with compliance with the requirements established by law for the preparation of quality seeds.

In particular, it was emphasized that the conditions for sorting and storing seeds are constantly monitored, with special attention paid to determining the level of humidity. According to him, attention is paid to ensuring that the temperature of the warehouse where the seeds are stored is always the same and moderate.In particular, it was emphasized that the conditions for sorting and storing seeds are constantly monitored, with special attention paid to determining the level of humidity. According to him, attention is paid to ensuring that the temperature of the warehouse where the seeds are stored is always the same and moderate.

In addition, the AMUDARYA district department of agricultural inspection monitors the timely and high-quality implementation of agrotechnical measures on seed fields sown for the 2024 harvest.

In the region, 22 agricultural enterprises won a competition to grow seed grain for the 2024 harvest on an area of 588 hectares. Currently, these areas are manured, loosened and fed with mineral fertilizers.

At the moment, 35 hectares of seed grain are cared for in accordance with agrotechnical rules by the Sabir Yeschan farm, which is responsible for the production of seed grain in the region.

Office for the Republic of Karakalpakstan "Uzagroinspeksii"

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