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Animal husbandry: implementation of the state program under control

12 June 2023 1594

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 15, 2021 No. 135 “On additional measures to ensure guaranteed supply of the domestic consumer market with basic types of food products”, control over the implementation of the main priority tasks and programs being developed in the direction of animal husbandry is assigned to Uzagroinspektsiya.

Accordingly, the administration of the Samarkand region and the district offices of the Ozagroinspektsiya monitored the implementation of this resolution, and information on the work carried out in this regard is constantly analyzed.

According to the State Program until 2023, the total value of the region's livestock this year is $813 billion. 716 mln hryvnia In total, it is planned to create 3,693 new jobs through the launch of 388 projects with an annual capacity of 2,125 tons of meat and 57,714 tons of milk.

Similarly, in the field of sheep farming, the total cost is $10 billion. 160 million UAH 10 projects are designed to produce 254 tons of meat and 6365 tons of wool with an annual capacity of 49 billion soums. 950 mln hryvnia annual capacity is 43 million soums. 25 projects for the production of 900,000 eggs and 7,731 tons of poultry meat, as well as a fish industry with a total value of 18 billion dollars. 690 mln hryvnia In total, it is planned to create 339 new jobs by launching projects worth 29 soums.

In addition, according to the approved program, in 2023 the cotton-textile and grain clusters of the region will fatten a total of 2,900 head of dairy cattle, the total cost of which is $93 billion. Due to the launch of 5 projects worth 947 million soums, it is planned to create 90 new jobs.

In particular, today there are 151 farms specializing in animal husbandry in the Pakhtachinsky district, of which 41 are cattle, 33 sheep, 38 poultry, 30 fish and 9 bee farms.

In order to meet the needs of the population in livestock products over the past period, all categories of farms in the district produced 3,364 tons of meat (in live weight), 17,137 tons of milk, 6,345,000 eggs. this year.

In order to further develop the livestock industry in the region, in 2023 it is planned to implement 17 projects with a total cost of 89 billion 600 million soums. To date, 2 projects have been implemented in the field of animal husbandry and 1 project in the region, fishing has been launched and 12 new jobs have been created.

U. Yakshamuradov, chief specialist of the "Ozagroinspektsiya" of the Samarkand regional department

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