Ру Ўз O`z En

Applications for the use of agricultural land are being considered

20 February 2024 1088

Control measures are being carried out by the department for control over the use of agricultural lands of the Navoi regional department of the Uzagroinspectorate.

In particular, according to the decision of the khokim of the Navbakhor region No. q-779 dated February 19, 2019, the map of the use of agricultural land of the Kesganterak massif of the Kesganterak massif of Karajon MFY area 364q - a total of 5 hectares of irrigated arable land from the contour is sown for a period for 49 years. The farm "Sara urug-2020" is leased in the field of agriculture.In particular, according to the decision of the khokim of the Navbakhor region No. q-779 dated February 19, 2019, the map of the use of agricultural land of the Kesganterak massif of the Kesganterak massif of Karajon MFY area 364q - a total of 5 hectares of irrigated arable land from the contour is sown for a period for 49 years. The farm "Sara urug-2020" is leased in the field of agriculture.

The Sara Seed-2020 farm was created under the leadership of citizen Farkhod Usmanov, and although the main focus of the farm is seed production, during 2020-2021 it will plant alfalfa and produce seeds. premises, and then sold it, and in 2022-2023 he planted grain and did not enter into an agreement on the transfer of grain from the planted grain, and also underwent periodic approval of the grain area for seed production, without conducting or receiving a certificate of conformity for the procurement and transfer of agricultural seeds , without issuing a certificate of approval from the district working group on seed grain, it was considered feasible.

It also turned out that for the 2024 harvest, grain was sown on 2.43 hectares of land on the farm, alfalfa was sown on the remaining 2.57 hectares, and no ditches were dug along the edge of the field.

The chairman of the Sara Seed-2020 farm, F. Usmanov, in his explanatory letter, sowed grain on 5 hectares of land in 2022-2023 and transferred the grain from the planted grain without concluding an agreement with any enterprise or cluster. stated that he was using it for personal gain. In addition, a gross violation of the obligations of seed production entities provided for in Article 8 of the Law “On Seed Production” and Annexes 1-3 of Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 601 of October 12, 2021, laws and regulations was established. It turned out that they were using the land illegally.The chairman of the Sara Seed-2020 farm, F. Usmanov, in his explanatory letter, sowed grain on 5 hectares of land in 2022-2023 and transferred the grain from the planted grain without concluding an agreement with any enterprise or cluster. stated that he was using it for personal gain. In addition, a gross violation of the obligations of seed production entities provided for in Article 8 of the Law “On Seed Production” and Annexes 1-3 of Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 601 of October 12, 2021, laws and regulations was established. It turned out that they were using the land illegally.
Based on the above, the farm “Sara Urug-2020”, in accordance with Article 36 of the “Land Code” of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 40-. In connection with the identification of violations of land legislation, provided for in Article 85, the administration of the Navbakhor district submitted to the court a proposal to terminate the ownership of the land plot.

Khodzhakulov Z., chief specialist of the regional inspection department

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