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Approbation: 15,000 hectares of seed grain was excluded from the seed account

10 June 2024 683

In February-May, 4 monitoring works were carried out on 85,800 hectares of seed grain fields of 2,956 seed farms that grow seed grain from the current year's harvest. As a result of monitoring, 3.1 thousand hectares of seed areas of 62 farms were excluded from the seed account because they did not meet the seed requirement.

It was planned to conduct a field approval inspection on 82,700 hectares of the remaining 2,894 seed holdings, and schedules were developed.

The work carried out by the approval commissions established in 122 districts to conduct the approval inspection in these areas is being regularly monitored.

In particular, until today, field approval inspections were conducted on 81 thousand 138 hectares or 98 percent of seed grain areas of 2 837 farms, of which 65 thousand 673 hectares or 79 percent of the area were found suitable and 15 thousand 466 hectares or 19 percent of the area were found unsuitable for various reasons. .

"Uzagroinspektsia" Information Service

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