Ру Ўз O`z En

Cases of violations related to land have been identified in the Khatyrchinsky district

29 September 2023 1923

The surveys were carried out at the Khatyrchinsky State Forestry Department by the agricultural land use control department of the Uzagroinspectorate, and the damage was calculated as follows.

In the Khatyrchinsky State Forestry Enterprise, a fishery farm was built on an area of 17.3 hectares without the appropriate permit, of which 10.3 hectares out of 7 irrigated crop lands are pastures.

The area of irrigated arable land is 39 credit points, and the amount of damage caused and caused by the withdrawal of agriculture is estimated at 690 million 881 thousand 476 soums.

In addition, research was conducted on the illegal use of irrigated arable land by 36 legal entities and individuals of the Khatirchinsky district of the Navoi region, as well as the fact of their activities without paying taxes and other payments to the state budget.

In particular, the farm operating in the district uses 17 hectares of excess land compared to that allocated based on the decision of the district akim, the use of 61.6 hectares of arable land in the reserve of the district administration without the decision of the district. governor, without placement on the open site "Auction", KH "Istiklol Zar Dalasi" 53.4 hectares, LLC "Khatyrchi Invest" took a secondary lease of 33 hectares of land contrary to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of November 24, 2021 No. 704, and ineffectively used the land a plot allocated for a greenhouse operating in the area for purposes other than those indicated, as well as other cases of law enforcement, are established by the regional law enforcement agency. The documents have been submitted to the authorities.


U. Tursunov, head of the department for control over the use of agricultural land

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