Ру Ўз O`z En

Certificates of conformity are issued for seed potatoes

27 June 2024 533

Potatoes are planned to be planted on a total of 47,223 hectares of fields that have been freed from grain this year, and 132,281 tons of seed potatoes are required for these areas.

In the current situation, a total of 678 tons of high-generation seed potatoes from foreign countries and 6 thousand 224 tons of local seeds planted and accumulated in the territory of our Republic from the harvest of 2023 to the harvest of 2024 are sent online to the Center under "Uzagroinspektsiya" to obtain a certificate of conformity. applications were received and samples were taken from the seeds in the appropriate order and laboratory analyzes were carried out.

According to the laboratory analysis, 6 thousand 473 tons were given a certificate of suitability, while 429 tons were found to be unfit for planting, reports were drawn up by the Center under "Ozagroinspeksiya" and delivered to the business entity.

Regional departments and district departments of "Uzagroinspektsiya" control the planting of certified seed potatoes in the fields of economic entities where potatoes are planted during the season, the certification of seeds is issued without delay and they are delivered to farmers, clusters and other enterprises.

Z. Ismatov, chief specialist of "Uzagroinspektsia".

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