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Fergana: high-quality wheat is delivered to grain receiving enterprises

24 June 2024 420

In the current year 2024, farms and grain production clusters in Fergana region have concluded contractual agreements for the transfer of 82 thousand 200 tons of commercial wheat and 19 thousand 700 tons of seed grain for state needs to grain enterprises and their grain receiving stations. it is determined that they will hand over wheat grain according to the class requirement.

Also, 204 thousand 741 tons of wheat grains were received from the grain harvest of 2024 in the Fergana region as of June 24 of this year.

192 thousand 796 tons or 97.6% of the received wheat was accepted for the 3rd grade, the average moisture content is 12.3%, dirtiness is 2.9%, grain mixture is 4.0%, natural weight is 758 gr/l and gluten content is 23%. is doing

When determining the class of wheat, the worst quality indicator of the grain quality indicators specified in the above-mentioned state standard is taken into account, and this is the main factor determining the price of wheat based on the class. The higher the grade of wheat, the higher its quality and price. According to the limited standard specified in the state standard, the wheat grain delivered under the contractual agreement concluded between the farm and the grain receiving enterprise has a moisture content of more than 17.0 percent, a mixture of impurities of more than 5.0 percent, a mixture of grain more than 15.0 percent, and a physical weight of less than 710 g/l. it is determined not to be.

"Working groups" were organized in the central office of the Inspectorate, in the Fergana regional administration, to analyze the quality of received grain on a daily basis and to resolve conflicting issues arising on the quality of grain on the spot.

The quality indicators of spiked grain purchased for state needs are properly analyzed by the Inspectorate specialists.

Disputes arising between grain suppliers and receiving enterprises regarding the quality of grain are being resolved on the spot.

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