Ру Ўз O`z En

About 115,000 vehicles were subjected to mandatory technical inspection by "Uzagroinspektsiya" in the last six months.

26 July 2023 1996

Kholida Shodieva, head of the information service of the Inspectorate, informed about this at a briefing held at AOKA.

During the reporting period, "Uzagroinspektsiya" carried out the following works on compliance with legal requirements in the fields of agriculture and water management.

In particular, 5,508 preventive measures were conducted and practical assistance was provided at economic entities.

In addition, 48,873 monitorings were conducted by inspectors, and 25,162 warnings were issued to organizations and enterprises.

During the six months of this year, a total of 2,279 inspections were conducted, of which 324 were carried out in business entities in the order of informing the Business Ombudsman.

Administrative fines were applied in total 4,987 cases, and financial sanctions were calculated in 603 cases.

In particular, 751 submissions were submitted to relevant organizations and agencies, and 222 materials were sent to courts and other law enforcement bodies for legal decision-making.

In the direction of controlling the use of water resources in agriculture, strict control over compliance with the rules of water consumption was carried out, and 4,624 practical activities were carried out on the ground in order to prevent violations of the law at an early stage.

With the practical help of "Uzagroinspektsiya" employees, conflict situations between water users and water consumers were resolved in 887 cases, in more than 1000 cases, water consumers in areas with heavy water supply were assisted in supplying water, 472 water management facilities that were in an unusable state were stopped from draining water. , educational practical seminars were organized 262 times in cooperation with relevant organizations

In addition, the approval commissions established in 128 districts for the cultivation of seed grain from the current year's crop regularly monitored the field approval inspection of seed grain fields.

According to the results of studies, field approval inspection was conducted on 93 thousand 442 hectares of seed grain fields of 3 thousand 228 farms in the Republic, of which 80 thousand 246 hectares or 86 percent of the area were found suitable and 17 773 hectares or 14 percent were found unsuitable for various reasons. 

Also for the 2023 cotton harvest in the republic's territories

1 million by 136 cotton textile cluster enterprises and 30 thousand 116 farms. Planting of seeds was carried out on 12,000 areas.

"Uzagroinspektsiya" carried out monitoring activities on the timely and high-quality implementation of seed sowing works on the ground, and errors and deficiencies in sowing seeds on the area of 22,259 hectares of 3,173 farms were detected.

Also, during the control activities on the placement of agricultural crops for the harvest of 2023, it was found out that 6 thousand 393 farms on the area of 54 thousand 23 hectares violated the agrotechnical requirements.

In order to eliminate the identified deficiencies, it was ensured that the heads of the industry were given presentations and warnings, and written instructions were given.

Also, control is being carried out over whether the oil-oil enterprises have targeted processing of technical cotton seed in the full technological cycle, and whether they have hygienic conclusions and conformity certificates confirming the quality of their products.

In particular, in the first half of 2023, a total of 22 (of which 6 enterprises were re-inspected) enterprises were inspected.

Out of 22 inspected oil enterprises, it was found that the activities of 2 are not in accordance with the requirements specified in the decision.

In addition, strict control over the technical condition of agricultural, reclamation and road construction machinery, the efficiency of their use, as well as the quality of service and repair services was established. a total of 2 thousand 136 administrative reports were issued on the cases of violations.

In the first half of this year, a total of more than 16,000 agricultural, land reclamation and road construction equipment were registered, 15,152 license plates were issued to tractors and other self-propelled vehicles, 54,623,000 new ID cards (plastic) documents, including 32 340 technical passports and technical certificates, 22 thousand 283 tractor driver's licenses were issued, about 115 thousand pieces of equipment underwent compulsory technical inspection.

Based on the requirements of the International Organization for the Registration of Agricultural Animals (ICAR) in the direction of monitoring the breeding work in livestock, an electronic "Livestock Module" was developed for the registration of single livestock entities in the Republic, and it includes a total of 19 thousand 282 entities, including more than 171 indicators. the list was formed.

A total of 87 thousand 149 livestock, 1 mln. About 17 thousand day-old chicks, 8 mln. The inclusion of 373 and a half thousand breeding eggs and 10 breeding horses in the state register was controlled.

In the first half of this year, Uzagroinspektsiya received a total of 396 appeals regarding the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Appeals of Natural and Legal Entities", 306 of which were considered, 148 were satisfied, and 152 were explained.

In addition, representatives of 20,652 individuals and legal entities were accepted by "Uzagroinspektsiya".

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