Ру Ўз O`z En

In connection with the holiday, the inspectorate organized an event entitled “The New Constitution – Our Happy Community.”

7 December 2023 1155

Today we all celebrate the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is an important guarantee of our peaceful and prosperous life and a solid legal basis. The face and reputation of any country are determined by its Constitution. After all, the Constitution is the main law that represents the state as a state and the nation as a nation to the world.

In this regard, on December 8, the Inspectorate of the Agro-Industrial Complex held an event dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Abdulla Nizomov, a teacher at the Tashkent State Law University, took part in the event under the leadership of the head of the inspection, Abrol Vakhabov, as an expert. The head of the inspection, A. Vahabov, congratulated those gathered on the holiday. In the new Uzbekistan, where human dignity is glorified, conscientiously fulfilling the important task of ensuring the consent of citizens with the state, in accordance with established laws, he emphasized that our civic duty to the Constitution is to seriously and honestly fulfill our duties.

As noted, the unconditional provision of the implementation of constitutional norms defined in the new edition of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan allows one to literally raise “human dignity” in all spheres, manage the public life of the state and society in a new, modern way of life based on the system “person - society - state". Therefore, ensuring the full implementation of the new version of the Constitution is a priority task of government bodies and organizations at all levels.

Also during the event, a group of young activists and specialists who contributed to the development of the industry in connection with the “Day of Agricultural Workers” was awarded a letter of gratitude from the head of the inspectorate.

Shadieva Kh., press secretary of the head of the inspection

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