Ру Ўз O`z En

In Navoi, repeated crops are being planted on the land that has been cleared of grain

17 July 2023 2006

In order to continuously provide the population of our republic with cheap and high-quality food products and to strengthen the economy of farms, it is planned to plant a total of 33 thousand 250 hectares of grain-free areas in the Navoi region as repeated crops this year.

It is planned to plant 1 thousand 395 hectares of vegetables, 355 hectares of sugarcane, 1 thousand 923 hectares of oil, 7 thousand 414 hectares of legumes, 5 thousand hectares of rice, 10 thousand 945 hectares of fodder crops and 6 thousand 215 hectares of millet.

Regional departments and district departments of "Uzagroinspeksiya" prepare the arable land areas to be sown as repeated crops for planting, the seeds of agricultural crops used for the sown areas are distributed to farms, clusters and other they provide practical assistance to farms and farmers in connection with timely delivery to enterprises.

In addition, inspectors in the vertical system of the department are carrying out explanatory work on the fact that certified planting of seeds of agricultural crops to farms, clusters and other enterprises will provide a possibility of obtaining a higher yield from the planted areas in the future. .

Also, under the authority of "Uzagroinspeksia", the sale of seeds of agricultural crops with compliance and phytosanitary certificates is being monitored, and their storage based on standard requirements is being monitored. Business entities that allow seeds to be distributed or planted without a certificate are duly warned.

As of July 16 of this year, 32,574 hectares (98%) of the planned planting areas have been planted. In the territories of our republic, potato fields planted for seed purposes for the next year's harvest are separately controlled by inspectors, approval of potato fields planted for seed purposes in the future and accumulation of high-quality seeds from the seed fields deemed suitable and storage is controlled.

D. Rashidova, "Uzagroinspeksiya" Navoi regional department

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