Ру Ўз O`z En


30 May 2023 1585
In recent years, special attention has been paid to increasing the efficiency of agricultural land in our country, including using water-saving technologies.

The general plan for the introduction of water-saving technologies in Navoi region in 2023 is 19,503 hectares, of which 17,163 hectares (including 10,562 hectares of cotton) will be drip-irrigated and 1,840 hectares will be sprinkled. is set.
Today, 87 applicants signed a contract worth 7 billion soums for the introduction of drip irrigation technologies on 1,453 hectares (15%) of cotton fields.

From this, construction and installation of drip irrigation technology is being carried out on 508 hectares of cotton fields. In particular, 24 applicants completed the digging of ponds, installed central pipes on 240 hectares. Pumps and filter devices were installed on 438 hectares.

In turn, control over targeted and effective use of water-saving technologies introduced in the regions by the regional administration and district departments of "Uzagroinspeksiya" was established.

In particular, in Karmana district, drip irrigation technology has been applied in 1,860 hectares of cotton fields and sprinkler irrigation in 473 hectares of grain fields, and in Konimekh district, drum irrigation has been applied in 26 hectares of grain fields. water SAVING technologies have been introduced and put into operation. Today, the district department of the Inspectorate has established full control over the purposeful and effective use of this technology in the irrigation season of 2023.

In addition, special attention is being paid to promotion and campaigning in order to ensure the effective use of introduced water-saving technologies.

In the summer irrigation season of 2023, continuous control over the purposeful and effective use of introduced water-saving technologies will be established in the regions of the district.

D. Rashidova, Navoi Region Department of "Uzagroinspeksiya".
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