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Legal comment: The Inspectorate has been given the authority to impose direct administrative liability

21 December 2023 1727

By decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 653 dated December 11, 2023, changes were made to the tasks and functions of the Uzagroinspectorate and the following additional tasks were assigned.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 11, 2023 “On introducing amendments and additions to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the improvement of public administration in the field of agriculture and food security” 653 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 575 dated July 12, 2019 “On approval regulatory legal documents regulating the activities of the control inspection of the agro-industrial complex under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan" amendments and additions have been made:Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 11, 2023 “On introducing amendments and additions to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the improvement of public administration in the field of agriculture and food security” 653 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 575 dated July 12, 2019 “On approval regulatory legal documents regulating the activities of the control inspection of the agro-industrial complex under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan" amendments and additions have been made:

1. By Resolution 575, the Inspectorate was transferred from a government body to the executive body of the republic and, within the framework of the powers assigned to it, it was established that it should carry out tasks of monitoring the agro-industrial complex. industrial complex of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

. Main inspection tasks:

I. In the direction of controlling the cultivation of agricultural seeds:

In accordance with paragraph 14 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 13, 2020 No. 282, certification of fruit trees and grape seedlings, mandatory state inspection of the quality of fruit trees, grape seedlings and products processed from them, and the introduction in the world of achievements, determination and certification of seed quality based on international and national standards;

For performing work to determine and certify quality indicators of seeds and seedlings of agricultural crops in laboratory conditions;
to identify the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and dangerous hidden viral diseases in seeds and seedlings of imported agricultural crops;
on carrying out constant and periodic testing and certification of cotton, sorghum and other agricultural crops and their processed products;
An additional task is to control the assessment of seed and seedling material of agricultural crops in special experimental plots and their belonging to a specific species and variety, as well as their varietal purity by checking the quality of their genetic purity.

II. In terms of control over the use of cotton raw materials, grain and its processed products:I. In terms of control over the use of cotton raw materials, grain and its processed products:
regardless of the form of ownership, the presence of a hygienic conclusion confirming the targeted processing and quality of industrial seed products in the full technological cycle (crushing, hydrothermal treatment, pressing, extraction, refining, deodorization and packaging) by processing enterprises, as well as technical regulations and compliance with mandatory requirements established standards;
Regardless of the form of ownership, the presence of processing enterprises with capacities for the production of flour from wheat of the 3rd and higher classes, as well as the compliance of their technological processes with established requirements, the correct technological production cycle. activities of laboratories that monitor product quality. Additionally, the task of monitoring sales is included.
III. In the direction of control of agrotechnical activities in agriculture:
for timely and high-quality implementation of agrotechnical measures related to the planting and planting of agricultural crops and during the growth period (vegetation);
additionally included is the task of monitoring the production, storage, sale and intended use of mineral fertilizers and chemicals used against diseases and pests in the production of agricultural products, as well as biological products in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

IV. In the area of control over the use of agricultural land:

implementation of state control over the protection of agricultural lands, in which:
on the use of agricultural land for these purposes;
on the prohibition of unauthorized removal, movement and destruction of fertile soil layers and preventing the use of land in agriculture;
on carrying out land management work and work to determine the quality of soils on agricultural lands in the prescribed manner;
about cases of leaving agricultural crops unsown on irrigated agricultural lands;
compliance with reclamation requirements;
includes the task of monitoring compensation for damage caused as a result of circumstances that caused the unauthorized abandonment of land for agricultural use.

V. In the direction of technical condition monitoring:
Regardless of departmental subordination and organizational and legal form, control over the technical condition of agricultural, reclamation and road construction equipment, the efficiency of their operation, as well as the quality of maintenance and repair services is determined.
Also, for new equipment sold to buyers from manufacturers of agricultural, land reclamation and road-building equipment or special trade organizations, together with the documents specified in the legislation, the “Registration Certificate” serves as the basis for registration with the Inspectorate.” give;
It has been determined that inspections carried out by the inspectorate for compliance with the rules for the use of agricultural, reclamation and road construction equipment, regardless of the form of ownership, will, as an exception, be carried out without registration in the Unified State Register. Information system "Control".
V. In the area of monitoring the implementation of regulatory documents, certification and metrology:
participates in the development, approval and improvement of methods for determining the quality of cotton seeds and grain crops, as well as in the development of technical regulations and standards, methods and guidelines for seed production and determination of its quality;
Creates a technical committee for standardization in the field of agro-industrial complex and ensures its work;
participates in the formation of a list of products, the compliance of which with the requirements of regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation is mandatory, and the task of issuing conclusions on the inclusion or exclusion from the list of products in the field of agro-industrial complex. included additionally.
3. In accordance with Resolution PF-90 of June 10, 2023, paragraph 8 of part a, the Inspectorate is authorized to draw up reports on administrative offenses and impose fines on guilty persons within the limits of their authority.
Boronov Sh., chief specialist of the legal support inspection

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