Ру Ўз O`z En

Khorezm: Registration and inspection of agricultural machinery is accelerating.

21 July 2023 1677

During the past period of this year, in the Khorezm region, certain works were carried out in the provision of state services related to registration of agricultural machinery, technical inspection and issuance of new types of plastic cards.

In particular, there are 29 thousand 865 agricultural and road construction machinery and aggregates in the region. In January-June 2023, 255 new machinery, 840 agricultural machinery were re-registered, and 1 thousand 177 self-propelled machinery were provided with state license plates.

Also, by this time of this year, 2 thousand 220 agricultural technicians were issued technical passports in a new type of plastic form, and 881 citizens' tractor driver's licenses were replaced with a new type of plastic form.

In order to conduct the annual mandatory technical inspection of about 30 thousand agricultural machinery in the province, 12 thousand 190 (41 percent) machinery were inspected by 11 branch employees of the regional department and district departments of "Uzagroinspeksiya", and more than 1 billion 870 million soums were collected in exchange for the provided state services. In particular, more than 60 percent of existing agricultural technicians in Bogot, Gurlan, Khiva, and Shavot districts were passed mandatory technical inspection.

In addition, 110 administrative reports were issued against offenders who did not comply with the requirements of ensuring the rule of law in the field and using agricultural machinery, and fines of 19,530,000 soums were imposed, and the full recovery of these funds was achieved.

Today, the officials of the region in charge of this field are continuing the control activities at a rapid pace, and appropriate measures are being taken in connection with the cases of violations of the law.

Q. Sabirov - Khorezm regional office of "Uzagroinspeksiya".

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